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Team Introduction - Jack Pearson

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Hello! My name is Jack Pearson and I am one of the Co-Founders of Forevergreen. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and talk about what led me to start Forevergreen with my best friend/Co-Founder Zack Yardley (Read his blog here, he is an interesting guy) and about Forevergreen’s goals for the future.

I started my first sustainable business in 2012. I was 9 years old and Hurricane Sandy swept across the Northeast with category 3 winds. In the process, it destroyed my house while leaving hundreds of cedar shingles left for the landfill. I knew there was a better use for this wood so I decided to start my first business on Etsy selling 5” mini surfboards from shingles.

It is funny to think that even with no concept of sustainability I was still drawn to a reuse business model and was able to bring second life to these shingles. My sustainable business ventures didn't stop there, my brother and I started our second company “Pearson Picks” where we sold guitar picks made from recycled credit cards and gift cards.

Fast forward 10 years later and I have not lost my passion for entrepreneurship and sustainability. Zack and I had been working together at Diamond Tropical Hardwoods when we saw a gap in the market. People want to protect our planet. We all recognize the importance of fighting climate change and ensuring our children and grandchildren can appreciate our planet just like we do. But there was no easy way to understand their carbon footprint or environmental impact. That is where we saw Forevergreen. We could create an App for users to calculate, track, and offset or reduce their monthly carbon emissions. We became obsessed with making our app a reality.

Forevergreen understands the consumer. We know people want to live a more sustainable lifestyle and we are excited to create a community of people who want to make an impact. When consumers calculate their carbon footprint through our simple carbon calculator they will get a comprehensive emissions breakdown to see what is contributing the most to their overall emissions. Then Forevergreen will offer the user various solutions to work towards net zero. The user can opt to immediately offset their emissions through the purchase of Forevergreen Carbon Offset Credits weighted equally to their total carbon emitted. This will be through the Voluntary Carbon Market, which Forevergreen is confident will be a key player in the global push to net zero emissions. Alternatively, the user can opt into our tree planting subscription where users pledge to plant 1 tree per month. We will update users with their tree growth and show them how much carbon their trees sequester each month. Finally, we will educate users on what behaviors to change so they can reduce their carbon for free with a few slight tweaks in transportation, energy use, or purchasing habits. We are confident that with the right tools and guidance consumers can reduce their carbon footprint and push for net-zero.

Thank you everyone for reading. I hope you learned a little more about me and Forevergreen’s mission and I encourage you to join our waitlist for updates about our app!

Founder Introduction Jack Pearson

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