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Team Introduction - Ben Suit

Hello all! My name is Benny Suit and I am a part of the strategy and marketing teams at Forevergreen. I have a wide variety of interests that include reading, photography, skiing, finance, and of course, the environment. I am currently pursuing a Finance Degree from the Freeman College of Management at Bucknell University.

My passion for the environment has always been strong throughout my life; I grew up with a love for camping and was a Boy Scout for many years. My commitment to the environment grew and became so much more meaningful after taking an environmental science course in my senior year of high school. I had an amazing teacher who truly cared for her students just as much as the environment, and she opened my eyes to endless unique intricacies that are present throughout nature as well as the immense harm and destruction that we as humans are creating. Deforestation, overconsumption, and immense carbon outputs are damaging the environment and destroying our planet. Ever since that class, I have been devoted to trying to minimize my own carbon footprint and be a better steward of the earth.

That led to the creation of Forevergreen and my new role on the team. When Zack first approached me with the idea of Forevergreen, I had no doubt in my mind that it would change the voluntary carbon market in its entirety. The thing that struck me most about the team is everyone’s unique experiences and perspectives that highlight their passion and commitment to sustainability. I believe that we all need to do our part, and that starts with educating ourselves and others about their own carbon footprints and the impact that every individual has on the environment. Together, we hold the capability to change the world, one tree at a time. 

I am extremely grateful to be a part of the team at Forevergreen and I cannot wait to see what the future of sustainability holds! As my teacher used to quote from the Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's not going to get better, it's not.”

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