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Team Introduction - Chris Ivory

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Hi everyone. My name is Chris Ivory, and I am part of marketing and strategy here at Forevergreen. My interests include Finance, Sustainability, and health and fitness. Throughout my life, I have always loved being outside. I frequently engaged in things like playing with my family in the yard, swimming in the summer, and going for walks in nature when I was a little kid. At the beach, I assisted with the Turtle Patrol on Seabrook Island, South Carolina with my grandmother. Having the privilege of watching a struggling loggerhead turtle population flourish under the care of the turtle patrol was truly rewarding. I vividly remember connecting

with nature during my time on the Patrol, assisting with injured or struggling hatchlings and helping them to the water or sending them to rehabilitation facilities. When I would walk down to the same beach the loggerhead turtles laid their eggs and could watch countless pods of dolphins strand feed along the banks of the Kiawah River I became even more committed to preserving our earth through sustainability. I’m used to educating people on the importance of leaving nature better than when you found it, but this won’t fix our issue globally of the US omission of 13.2 trillion lbs. of carbon dioxide each year.

Like many concerned citizens, I found myself asking “What can I do to mitigate my impact on the environment?” I have to drive to work and school. I have to turn the heat on in the winter. What am I supposed to do to make a real difference? While there are many things that we can do to cut our emissions down, it is important to reach net-zero and entering the voluntary carbon market is the easiest way to do so. When I was offered a position at Forevergreen, I was excited to see a nuanced service to offset carbon emissions with an additional tree planting service to further reduce the concerned consumer’s carbon emissions.

I am extremely excited to see Forevergreen sprout into the voluntary carbon market, and I can’t wait to see where the future of sustainability grows in tandem with a future that can be Forevergreen!

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