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REDD Reforestation Credit

The Russas Project is a pioneering reforestation initiative dedicated to the protection and conservation of tropical forests located on southern bank of the Valparaiso River in the State of Acre Brazil. By offering payments for ecosystem services, this project aims to significantly reduce deforestation and forest degradation, aligning with the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) framework.


Key Features:

  • Location: Privately-owned property in Acre, Brazil.

  • Standards: Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS) certified.

  • Community Involvement: Development and implementation of the project have been conducted in collaboration with local communities and Acre state officials to ensure sustainable and beneficial outcomes.

  • Impact: The project activities are designed to lower the pressure on land and forest resources, resulting in substantial emission reductions.

  • Project ID: VCS1112


Link to Verra's Registry


Your Purchase:

Your purchase of the Russas Project | VCS1112 ensures that 1 metric ton of CO2 is neutralized through natural, sustainable reforestation practices. These credits have already been retired under the Forevergreen Organization. Upon completing your purchase, you will be awarded a certificate of offset, detailing the specifics of the contribution made towards fighting climate change through your chosen project. You will also receive a personalized certificate from Forevergreen via email. 


Embrace a greener future today with Forevergreen Reforestation Carbon Credits.

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